Inman’s Real Estate Predictions For 2017

Inman’s Real Estate Predictions For 2017

Brad Inman made predictions for this year last year. He was able to hit the heads of some of these nails. Similar to last year, he recently published his predictions for the real estate industry for 2017.

Here are his predictions:

2017 Will Be The Homeseller’s Year

The technology innovations developed for real estate in the last two decades have benefited homebuyers.

But this coming year, technologists and venture capitalists will target homesellers. There’s a big commission pie up for grabs that are worth $60 Billion.

Housing Market Will Soar, Temporarily

Mortgage money will be plentiful.

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are already increasing in value and more jobs are being created as the unemployment rate has already reached new lows.

Both of these will give consumers a boost in the market.

But this could be short-lived as robots steal millions of service jobs and more service jobs are sent offshore.

Want more? Read the rest of Inman’s predictions for 2017, click here.

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